8 Useful Google Apps For Daily Life

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By Packages Guide

Google Has Multiple User-friendly Apps for daily life to make our work more professional and increase productivity. One of the things I like about Google apps is that they are highly professional and reliable. So Today I am Going to Share 8 Useful Google Apps For Daily Life.

Here is the list of 8 Useful Google Apps For Daily Life:

1. Gemini

Gemini is a newly launched App by Google, It is an A.I App which really helps us in our daily multiple professional tasks. You can ask any question by typing or speaking to the Gemini App and It will answer your question by using A.I Technology. You can Ask any question related to business, research, etc.

2. Google Translate

Some Time Ago I was Working in a German Organization, and many of my colleagues could speak only German, And I was unable to speak or understand the German Language. But Within a few days, I got a solution, My friend gave me an idea to use Google Translate. By using Google Translate you can translate any language to another language within a few seconds.

3. Google Fit

Health and Fitness is one of the most important parts of our life. If you are interested in health-tracking apps, Google Fit is one of the most suitable apps. Google Fit helps you to monitor your fitness activity and progress. You can set your Fitness Goals including cycling, running, walking, etc. and Google Fit will monitor your process with the help of sensors in your smartphone or other wearable devices.

4. Google Play Books

Google Play Books is one the favorite App for Book lovers interested in e-books and audiobooks. You can access thousands of e-books and audiobooks from the Google Play Books library and save them in your phone for reading or listening in your free time. Google Play Books has multiple smart features including translation options, a built-in dictionary, and many customization options like font size, and background adjustment to provide you best reading experience.

5. Google Tasks

Google Tasks is one of the best app if you want to keep yourself organized. It is a task management app, to create different to-do lists. You can Create Different categories for your personal life and add multiple tasks in it with their due dates.

6. Google Slides

Many Times in our educational career or professional career we have to create multiple presentation slides. As we know eye-catching slides make our presentation more professional. Google Slides is one of the best App for creating professional presentation slides. There are also multiple pre-made presentation templates to save your time.

7. SnapSeed

Are you a person who loves to edit images? If Yes then this App is for you. SnapSeed is one of the best image editing App with multiple amazing features. There are multiple editing tools, filters, and RAW images, available in SnapSeed App for professional image editing.

8. Google PhotoScan

Every one of us has an old photo album with our beautiful childhood memories, now it’s time to save our childhood memories in our smartphone. By using a Google PhotoScan App you can scan your old images from your smartphone camera and this app will increase their quality and save them in Google Photos.

Also Read: 5 Best Apps For Digital Marketing.

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